
Wedding Policy Booklet

See above the Guidelines for Weddings at OSLC. This booklet includes information for the wedding couple.

A Statement on Marriage

We believe and teach that God established and ordained marriage between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:21-25) in order that they may share their lives together in a spirit of genuine love and mutual submission to Christ and to each other (Ephesians 5:15-33). Marriage is the foundational building block of society and God established marriage to bring forth families (Genesis 1:28) and from families, nations, to serve and honor Him. Because it is God who establishes marriage and not human authority of any kind, it is important that a couple honor their vows made before God and witnesses. It is also important that the Church, along with friends and family of the married couple, should do all they can to nurture and enrich the marriage relationship between husband and wife. Jesus affirms marriage between a man and woman (Matthew 19:3-6) and affirms that God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16, Matthew 5:31-32. Matthew 19:8). We welcome and accept people who have experienced the brokenness of divorce or who have engaged in sexual relationships outside of marriage as forgiven sinners who, like all Christians, rely on Jesus for forgiveness and new life. We believe that, in Jesus, forgiveness and new beginnings are possible for all people. We seek to do all within our power to avoid divorce, but, because of human brokenness, acknowledge, along with Jesus, that it is a reality in our sinful, broken world (Matthew 19:7-12 ).