Pastor’s Thoughts

Pentecost Sunday…

Is May 19, 2024!

If you are reading this before Sunday, May 19, thank you! I greatly appreciate you preparing for Pentecost Sunday. If you are reading this, post May 19, I’m thankful to connect with you!

So, May 19, 2024 is 7-weeks after Easter and more precisely is 50-days after the resurrection of our Savior. What a blessing it is that we have a Savior! In a recent “Pastor’s Thought” I highlighted Jesus’ Ascension, which was 40-days after His resurrection. If you didn’t get a chance to read that short article, please take a moment after reading this article.

In the life of a Christian having knowledge of Pentecost is of great value. And, I’m not just referring to the blessing we find in the Book of Acts! We, Bible believing Christians, need to go back into the Old Testament to get a reference regarding Pentecost. In the OT, Pentecost or “The Feast of Weeks”, is first described in the second book of the Bible: “You shall observe the Feast of Weeks, the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the Feast of Ingathering at the year’s end.” Exodus 34:22

Feel free to read Exodus 23:16 and Numbers 28:26 to further understand the highlighting of the “Feast of Weeks”. Many traditionally understand this annual Jewish time to be 50-days after the Passover celebration and also represent the understanding that this was when the Ten Commandments were given to Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai.

So, in the New Testament which was written in Greek, we find the word Pentecost meaning fiftieth. Which connects to the OT understanding of something happening 50-days after…

Oh, please know there is a great Pentecost prophecy found in the Book of Joel 2:28-32 regarding the Holy Spirit. And that is what brings us the Acts 2 — the fulfillment of the prophecy. In this chapter of the Bible, we find the birthday of the Church because it highlights the Holy Spirit’s descent upon the apostles and disciples of Jesus. This Holy Spirit outpouring marked the birth of the Christian community that remains vibrant to this day.

Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2024 will be a special day at Our Saviour’s. Why? Because we will dig into the Bible blessings regarding Pentecost and the Holy Spirit to see what the Spirit is saying to you.

Oh, and if you wear RED you will even learn about that significance!

I conclude this writing (rambling) about Pentecost by quoting Our Saviour’s late pastor, Dan Beattie, who wrote in 2023: “May the Holy Spirit speak to you through the Word of His creation…”

Remember, you are blessed to be a blessing!

Intentional Interim, Chris Townsend

May 9, 2024


What does the word mean? Well, according to the Oxford dictionary ascension means: “the act of rising to an important position or a higher level.” That is a world view understanding of the word BUT we are a Biblical people! And the Oxford dictionary still helps us out here: “the ascent of Christ into Heaven on the fortieth day after the Resurrection.

In reading about Jesus’ ascension in Mark 16, Luke 24, and Acts 1 (please do so right now J) we come away with the knowledge that Jesus ascended to Heaven in order to take His place at the right hand of His Father and our Father, God! He, Jesus, taught us to rightfully pray: Our Father, who art in Heaven…

And now, 40 days after Resurrection Sunday… Easter, we give thanks for the ascension of Jesus the Christ! He is in Heaven and welcoming those who call upon Him as Lord and Savior with open arms. Have you confessed Jesus as Lord of your life? If not, I share this prayer from the late Reverend Billy Graham with you: Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen

I pray you can trust powerfully in the Lord. I pray that you know Jesus went to the cross for you and that He, Jesus, looks forward to your entry into eternal glory!

May our ascended Lord bless you and keep you always!

PS Please remember that Sunday, May 12, is Mother’s Day. Take time to reflect upon the blessings of mothers in the Bible and in your own life.

Remember, you are blessed to be a blessing!

Intentional Interim, Chris Townsend

May, 2024

What a blessing Our Saviour’s is experiencing. Wonderful times of Sunday morning 9am worship… WHY? Because every Sunday is like a mini-Easter! We remember and celebrate that our Risen Savior is with us. That the Holy Spirit is invited into our worship and is active in our hearts. God is good! God is great!

During April we were blessed within our worship celebrations to experience the Sacrament of Holy Communion, the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, Confirmation which is the Affirmation of Baptism (see photo below), being blessed by our Choir and Praise Team as their seasons ended. What a month it was to be part of Our Saviour’s! Please know ALL are welcome to be part of this Bible-based Body of Christ!

In April we highlighted, in a few sermons (messages), that Baptism is not just water sprinkled over the head but it is that very water created by God (Genesis 1:1-7) used together with His Word (the Bible) that rescues us from death and the devil!

Beyond the sermons shared in April we are entering the month of May with an even greater sense of joy! Why? Well, let me share that in May our awesome Children’s Ministry Sunday School teachers will be recognized, our children will bring their bikes to worship on May 5 to be blessed (the bicyclist too)!

At 9am, on May 12, we will give thanks as we remember Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven (Luke 24:50-51 and Acts 1:9-11) and celebrate the women of Our Saviour’s as we recognize Mother’s Day!

On May 19 we will have a spectacular worship as we celebrate the power of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday. Many of us recall Acts 2 where in verse 1-4 we read: When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

This, of course, will be a significant focus on May 19 but please come and learn where Pentecost actually began. Okay, that was a purposeful tease… see you on the 19th!

The last mini-Easter Sunday in May is on the 26th and this will be a powerful time as we connect God’s Word into the idea of sacrifice and honor. Why sacrifice and honor you ask? Well, we will be remembering Memorial Day and its significance to those of us that are free in Christ! I look forward to sharing a blessing with you.

Remember, you are blessed to be a blessing!

Intentional Interim, Chris Townsend


April 22, 2024

What is Affirmation of Baptism? Better yet, first, what is baptism??

Let’s start with Baptism! Since many reading this article are Christian Lutherans, I want to restate the writings of Martin Luther from the 16th Century. Please note that some of this article will be from Luther’s Small Catechism.

First, and this was emphasized in the message from 4/21 that you can find at:

So, Baptism is not just water, but it is water used together with God’s Word (the Bible) and His command. His command… where can I find that in the Bible? Well, it is often referred to as “The Great Commission”. And is located in the last chapter of the Gospel of Matthew: Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. v19

Jesus’ command is clear. We are called to be people who connect with others in His name. In the world, country, and community we are called out to be His disciples. In the Book of Acts we are instructed to be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. v8

But really, what benefits does God give in Baptism?

In baptism God forgives sins, rescues us from death and the devil, and gives eternal salvation to all of us who believe in God’s promises.

Why do we know this is true? Because God is truth and His Word is true. Checkout the Gospel of Mark in chapter 16 where we find: He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he does not believe will be condemned. v16

Saved, condemned, believe, baptize. We are blessed with the power in the Word! That is why we are called to read and digest the Word daily. So, that we, know of the power and can live it out daily!

Oh, I want to get back to water. How can water do such amazing things? Well, it’s certainly not just water, but the Word of God in and with the water does these things, along with the faith which trusts this word of God in the water. For without God’s Word the water is plain water and no Baptism. But with the word of God, it is a Baptism, that is, a life-giving water, rich in grace, and a washing of the new birth in the Holy Spirit, as St. Paul says in Titus, chapter three: He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by His grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. This is a trustworthy saying. vs5–8

Now, we acknowledge, I pray, that there is power in the waters of baptism as long as the Word is present. And once we acknowledge this power what are we to do? We are to, as Luther wrote: to live with God in righteousness and purity forever. So, go LIVE, not for ourselves, but for all Creation. Care for others, care for Creation, love God and love one another!

Remember, you are blessed to be a blessing!

Intentional Interim, Chris Townsend

ps… did you think I forgot about the Affirmation of Baptism? Check back soon for a Pastor’s Thoughts article regarding that and understanding confirmation???

Easter Sunday, 2024

So, you joined OSLC in worship on Easter Sunday. Was it in person or online? Were you encouraged as you celebrated our Risen Lord? I pray you were blessed as you worshipped in the Sanctuary or even in your living room.

Worship is so vital to every child of our Heavenly Father. The Bible calls us into gathering for worship: And let us consider how to stir one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near. Hebrews 10:24-25 I encourage you to read the text surrounding the one quoted. This always allows for a more complete understanding of God’s Word. Also, please read 1 Corinthians 12 which is giving focus to spiritual gifts but, for the sake of this “Pastor’s Thoughts” article please give focus to verses 12-14. God calls us into worship! Believers, like you and I, need one another! From experience, I share that our faith in Jesus withers in seclusion. We, God’s children, need one another. We need to participate in a life nourishing faith through the blessing of our Biblical Lutheran sacraments, prayer, the reading, study, and proclamation of His Word.

It is my prayer that as we, the family and friends of OSLC, journey together with Jesus we live out His Word. Here is another great Scriptural reference regarding worship that I encourage you to digest: Acts 2:42-44.

Remember, YOU are blessed to be a blessing!

Intentional Interim Pastor Chris

Holy Week, 2024

We will soon be entering into Holy Week. It begins with Palm Sunday, the day when we, as Jesus followers, remember that He rode triumphantly into Jerusalem as a humble King. Yet, we know that Jesus did not desire to ascend to an earthly throne, but to continue His journey to a cross, to a tomb, and to a resurrection!

Holy Week, although holy, is actually a week of challenges. Jesus was first met with proclamations of “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” only to be confronted by false teachers. He was placed on trial by corrupt leaders. He was brutally beaten, and a mob seemed to rule the day! But our Savior walked through this week willingly, literally shedding His blood, sweat, and tears. And what happened to Jesus the Christ in this holiest of weeks literally changed the world! The benefits of what Jesus endured and accomplished during this week of His passion continues to change people’s lives today.

How has this Lenten season changed you? Are you open to any change the Holy Spirit has in store for you? Let’s hold up in our daily prayers that God, through Jesus and the Spirit, change us to be even stronger disciples of the Savior of the world!

Remember, YOU are blessed to be a blessing!

Intentional Interim Pastor Chris

December, 2023


December, the season of gifts – gifts purchased or made, wrapped up and unwrapped, given and received. Even family pets get in on the receiving end and sometimes on the giving. (I’m thinking of those cats who proudly drop their latest hunt at the doorstep). All of this is somehow related to Jesus as gift. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given,” (Isaiah 9:6). Pondering the obscure birth of Jesus (the gift) in the village of Bethlehem can help us see gifts that can be overlooked.

Imagine you are a resident of Bethlehem, or even a fellow visitor like Mary and Joseph. In your same neighborhood, with its overcrowded (for the occasion of the census) noise, comes the sound of a newborn baby. If you were to hear that sound, or even the sound of commotion some few shepherds are making over this newcomer, it would be hard for you to equate these sounds in any meaningful way as a gift for you. you would most likely conclude – some noisy neighbors are excited about the gift of an addition to their family. Little do you know, this newborn is a gift for the entire world, past, present, and future. In about 30 years you will have a choice to make regarding what you will do with this gift. Will you receive him as Messiah – Lord and Savior?

Will you be indifferent caught up in your own world? Will you take a hard pass as did those who rejected him? But right now, in Bethlehem you and the bulk of the town are overlooking the gift that has come to you.

You see folks, all of us are embedded into many social fabrics. We are part of neighborhoods, families, churches, clubs, associations, a network of friends, co-workers, students. Laced throughout these social webs are countless gifts. People are gifts. Just like the neighbor or fellow visitor in Bethlehem may have been blind to the GIFT (Jesus) down the street, we too may be blind to the gifts all around us. Certain family members, coworkers, neighbors, or church folks may not appear to us as gifts. But, in receiving Jesus as The Gift who give us real life, who gives life worth living, who enters our very soul providing connection with himself who is the source of all life, we are given the gift of sight. We can see people as gifts who enhance our living.

It is overwhelmingly difficult for our finite minds to absorb the idea, even if it is true, that every person our eyes land upon is a potential gift. But what if we were to start small? Can you dare to ask this question, this season: “Lord Jesus, is there one person however unlikely that you intend to be a gift to me, but I have been overlooking, unable to see? And if so, would you open my eyes that I may recognize such a person? And then, would you inspire me to do something about it, engaging with the person as a gift?”

I invite you to give it a try.

Pastor Dan

November, 2023

Fellow soldiers of the cross,

God’s prophetic timetable is unfolding with Biblical proportions right before our eyes. The terrorist assault by Hamas into Israel, Israel’s retaliation, the escalation of tensions from other nations with terrorist group affiliations – Lebanon, Syria, Iran, the refusal of Jordan and Egypt to receive Palestinians, attacks from Iranian militias against USA interests in Iraq and Syria, the alarming rate of antisemitism (Jewish hatred) in the USA and around the world, all point towards eventual and inevitable greater and great escalation of conflict centered around Israel – “the final siege of Jerusalem and the Messiah’s return to defeat Israel’s enemies and establish his kingdom” (Concordia Self Study Bible, textual note on Zechariah 12:1-14:21). 

“This is the prophetic revelation, the Lord’s word about Israel. The Lord—who spread out the heavens, laid the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit in a person—says, “I’m going to make Jerusalem like a cup of wine that makes all the surrounding people stagger. They will attack Judah along with Jerusalem. On that day I will make Jerusalem a stone too heavy for all the nations to lift. All who try to lift it will be severely injured. All the nations in the world will gather to fight against Jerusalem.” (Zechariah 12:1-3)

What is happening right now in and around Israel is very serious and very important. God says, whoever touches Israel touches the apple of his eye (Zechariah 2:8).” We are seeing nothing less than good verses evil on a cosmic scale that will eventually lead to a national turning of Israel to weep over and receive Jesus their Messiah (Zechariah 10). Jesus will return in triumph. His feet will once again stand upon the Mount of Olives (Zechariah 14:1-3, Acts 1:11-12). He will set the world to rights, for his is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory for ever and ever, Amen.

God has been, and continues to, fulfill ancient prophecies needed for the return of Messiah Jesus. He has re-gathered, restored, and rescued the people of Israel as promised through the prophets. “ In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his resting place will be glorious. In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean.       He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will   assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth (Isaiah 11:10-12).”

The God who has called us through the good news about Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is a promise-keeping God. In this month of Thanksgiving, remember to thank him for keeping his promises to Israel and to the nations. “Go and make disciples of all nations,” he said. And then this promise, “I am with you always till the end of the age.” The end of the age is approaching. The time is getting shorter for us to be part of Jesus’ end-times gathering of people from all nations. So, lets join for his glory and in obedience to his calling. For he is the King of kings and Lord of lords.

Pastor Dan

October, 2023


Question: Jesus says, “follow me.” But, what does that look like when Jesus is no longer walking around in size 10 sandals? It is wonderful and astounding for the true Christian believer to have the Holy Spirit of Jesus dwell alongside and within him or her. But it is also a challenge to learn to follow Jesus in this present form. Clarity is often a craving.

Certainly, following his example, obeying his commands qualifies as “following” him. But if you are like me, you have a nagging suspicion that there is more to it than that. In fact, you’ve likely experienced Jesus leading you by way of circumstances. Others of you have “sensed” a tugging from time to time where you felt compelled towards a certain action or decision. Some of you, as you pray, “hear” Jesus inviting you to a plan or a course of action. When these sensations and circumstances line up with the Bible, you should be confident Jesus is leading. Follow him.

Perhaps a kind of example will give these thoughts some solidity. I have sensed, heard, felt tugged towards a certain ministry plan/idea for a while. But was lacking clarity on the timing, like Jesus had laid out a general plan, but left out the details. But a friend, “happened” to drop by the other day and asked an unexpected question. After he left I reflected on the question and the answer I gave him. It was clear that plan was now in motion. Wow! Exciting! Following Jesus just became clearer.

Jesus does indeed take great delight in you dear Christian believer. And he lays out invitations, big and small for you to join him. The more you seek him, the more in tune you’ll be to his calling, “follow me.”

Pastor Dan

September, 2023


Here are three very important New Testament, Greek words.

  1. Euangelion – the good news.
  2. Euangelidzo – tell the good news (evangelize).
  3. Euangelistays – evangelist (one who tells the good news).

Here is a related English word: Evangelical. As in “Evangelical Lutheran Church.”

Evangelical means to be of or about or concerning the telling of the good news.

Here are some questions that follow naturally:

  1. What is the good news?
  2. How does a person tell others the good news?
  3. Are there some ways of sharing the good news that are more effective than other ways?
  4. Can anyone be trained to effectively communicate the good news?
  5. What does it mean to evangelize?
  6. What is evangelism?
  7. What is an evangelist?

If you have any level of curiosity learning about Evangelism, or how to tell good news, then join in the upcoming, five-Monday evening series called EVANGELISM FOR DUMMIES (named after the popular, similarly titled books on a wide range of subjects.) All above questions and more will be answered and learned in these upcoming gatherings held at 6:30 – 7:45PM, Mondays, September 11, Sept. 25, Oct. 9, Oct. 23, and Nov. 6. No giftedness or personality style or experience is

required. In fact, we all could learn more about how to share the Good News, or “evangelize.” EVANGELSIM FOR DUMMIES is for those seeking to learn in a positive, lighthearted environment. This title of this series is itself the first lesson of evangelism: Don’t take yourself so seriously.


Youth group starts up again on August 27. The Rock is a 7-12th grade youth group. Fun, food, friendship and finding Jesus is the agenda. The Rock meets every 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sunday from 7:00-9:00PM. A portion of time is spent in small groups based on age – younger students with one youth leader, older students with another. New this season: On the 5th Sundays, parents are encouraged to attend youth group to hear and see what our youth experience and experience it right alongside them.


Every 2nd Sunday evening starting in September, moms of youth group students are invited to come at the same 7PM hour for their own time of fellowship and pastor-led Bible study.

Every 4th Sunday evening (7PM), dads of youth group students are invited to come for their time of fellowship and study.

Special note: Although moms and dads are particularly encouraged to participate in

family-oriented Sunday group events, any and all women and men of the church are invited

on these 2nd and 4th Sundays each month.

I have high hopes for what’s in store for all who choose to activate and engage in these

Sunday and Monday evening discipleship opportunities.

August 2023

Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” Luke 5:16.

How do you feel about being alone?
Some people do not like being alone. If they are alone such people typically need background noise, radio or TV. Some people don’t mind being alone while they work on a project with no distractions or watch a show or listen to music, again with no one distracting. But even these folks do not necessarily make an effort to be alone, just for the sake of being alone. There is tremendous value in being alone, especially if it is done on purpose.

“Jesus withdrew to lonely places.” This plainly tells us he intentionally made effort to be alone. This is enough to validate the claim – “there is tremendous value in being alone, especially if it is done on purpose.” Jesus did it. Therefore, it must be important and valuable. And we are called to follow in his footsteps (1Peter 2:21).

When Jesus came back from withdrawing to lonely places he was highly energized, focused and compassionate as he re-engaged with people. What did he do when he was alone? I’m guessing like us, he observed his surroundings, and he thought about things. The thing we know for sure is, he prayed. (“Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.”) In other words, he talked with his Father. That is what prayer is – talking with God/Jesus (not just talking to him). Talking with means both talking and listening. It is the combination of talking AND listening that leads to energy, focus, and compassion.

When I vacationed this summer, I withdrew to lonely places and prayed, attempting to follow Jesus example. I found tremendous value result from the effort: energy, focus and a deeper love for God and people. In the remaining days of summer, please try it out for yourself and see for yourself. I am confident you will discover similar blessings.

Withdraw to lonely places and pray. That is a prescription from the Beloved Physician, Luke, the author of the Gospel of Luke, the Book of Acts, the fellow missionary and dear friend of the Apostle Paul (see Colossians 4:14).

Pastor Dan Beattie

July 2023


14 “You are light for the world….. everyone who lights a lamp puts it on a lamp stand. Then its
light shines on everyone in the house. 16 In the same way let your light shine in front of people.
Then they will see the good that you do and praise your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5)

A little later in the same sermon, Jesus gives stern warnings against giving to the poor, praying in
public, and fasting in order to be seen by people. So, how does one accomplish the first command
without violating the second? I think a popular quote summarizes the answer well. “Sing like no
one is listening. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like nobody’s watching, and live like it’s
heaven on earth.” The origin of this quote comes from songwriters Susanna Clark and Richard
Leigh who, in 1987 composed the song “Come from the Heart” which included the following

You’ve got to sing like you don’t need the money
Love like you’ll never get hurt
You’ve got to dance like nobody’s watchin’
It’s gotta come from the heart if you want it to work.

The application is simple. Live life well, simply seeking to be obedient disciples of Jesus.
Have no other concern than serving, honoring, praising Jesus. Be indifferent, giving no thought
to the approval or disapproval of others.

When this is your focus you may find yourself surprised at Jesus’ words ringing true right before
your very eyes. This is exactly what happened to a group of men I was leading in prayer recently.
Here is what happened. Breakfast having been consumed we lingered in the establishment’s
parking lot. I then gathered the men together for final instructions and prayer before we went our
separate ways. When we finished praying we were all surprised to see a middle-aged ‘cheerleader’
watching us. She leaned from the driver’s seat of her shiny pick-up truck towards the open
passenger window. She shouted words of praise. “That was so wonderful! I’m so impressed!
Thank you for doing that! Our country needs more men like you!” and other such phrases – it was
a lengthy tribute. Then she applauded while saying words like, “fantastic, beautiful, love it.”
Then, a final lean towards us, “keep it up, don’t stop, we need you!” She drove off after that,
cheerfully waving as she pulled away. When I looked back at the men chatting joyfully regarding
the encounter, their faces and voices were beaming with Holy Spirit pride. They were joyfully
surprised to see themselves through another’s eyes as men who should be held in high esteem
and imitated. Their chests looked broad, and they all seemed to have grown a few inches taller.
I believe this was a substantially transformative moment for them, orchestrated by the God of
grace and mercy.

So, Dear Ones. Continue enjoying this summer God has given us. But do so with Jesus. Don’t
neglect worship and prayer and Bible reading. These are the activities that will lead you to
“sing like nobody’s listening and dance like nobody’s watching,” and to “let your light shine in
front of people.” And hopefully, you will find yourself in a surprise encounter where someone
does see and does hear and then, “praises your Father in Heaven.”


Pastor Dan

June 2023


Many of us will be taking vacations this summer. There will be three- or four-day weekends. There will be day trips. There will be fun. The fact that many of us can do this really is astonishing. We are very fortunate people. The neat thing about Jesus is this: He meets us right where we are, right as we are. And with great love for us and delight in his eyes over us, he calls us “to join him in bringing all the world into the glory of his Father’s Kingdom, to rid all lands of injustice and bring peace, rest, healing, hope and love.”* I deeply desire for you to experience re-creation in your recreation. I deeply desire for you to recognize and experience some of the peace, rest, healing, hope and love Jesus has brought into this world and is bringing into this world in the midst of your summer activities and plans. As you enjoy time in our good, good, Father’s  creation this summer; may your heart be filled with joy and gratitude for the abundance of goodness and beauty you encounter, may praise and thanksgiving towards our Father be on your lips for the fun times. May the Holy Spirit speak to you through the Word of his creation, the things you see and experience as you recreate. And may you be recharged and energized, enlightened and inspired so that you are ready, willing and able to join Jesus in his ongoing work of bringing all the world into the glory of his Father’s kingdom.
*Journey With Jesus, Larry Warner, IVP Books, 2010, p. 156.

Peace, Pastor Dan

May 2023

The Expansive Circle of Jesus – Mark 9

38 John said to Jesus, “Teacher, we saw someone forcing demons out of a person by using the power and authority of your name. We tried to stop him because he was not one of us.”

39 Jesus said, “Don’t stop him! No one who works a miracle in my name can turn around and speak evil of me. 40 Whoever isn’t against us is for us.

Something I have been thinking about lately is how big a circle Jesus draws. He wants the grace, the life, the blessings he alone can offer to encompass as many people as possible. Notice in the Scripture passage above how Jesus responds to the report of someone forcing out demons by using the power and authority of Jesus’ name. Jesus did not commission, send, or authorize this individual. As far as others could tell this activity was not part of Jesus’ standard operating procedure. Jesus says, do not stop him, because Jesus’ highest value is not standard operating procedures. The highest value of Jesus is blessing as many people as possible with the grace, goodness, and life he offers.

Jesus habitually bucked the standard, commonly accepted societal conventions. He drew a circle large enough to include the most unlikely candidates into his circle – Samaritans, tax collectors, prostitutes, freedom fighters, religious teachers, lepers, demoniacs, the wealthy and the poor, children even. And as Jesus drew a circle large enough to encompass these folks, those who were enveloped by the circle of Jesus were transformed. Apostle Paul would later use the term “new creation” to describe this phenomenon. Saving faith is transformative.

At the end of their studies, confirmation students are asked to respond to this question: “What does it mean for me to say, “Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior?” Many people (not just confirmation students) are able to answer the part about Jesus being their savior with clarity. But often answering or identifying what it means for Jesus to be “my Lord,” is a struggle. Give some thought to this line of inquiry: What does it mean for Jesus to be my Lord? If Jesus has drawn a circle large enough to include me, is there evidence? Namely, is my life being transformed? Am I feeling closer to Jesus than I used to?

If anything in these paragraphs has gotten your spiritual/mental wheels turning, let’s get together and explore these ideas.


Pastor Dan

April 2023


they sat on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights.” – Job 2:13

I learned something this past weekend. Its not like I didn’t know it already. I know, like you do, it is important to spend time with people. And yet, since we often need to be reminded of this truth, goodness and power of presence, there must be some distinction between knowing and believing.

I went to a family funeral. The deceased was a relative of one of my relatives. They were close. I spent time with my grieving relatives, extra time, not just at the funeral, but after. We chatted, watched basketball, played cards, ate meals. We talked only a little about the deceased relative, or grief, or the funeral. We just were together. When I left and came back home, I reflected on how much joy, encouragement and comfort came to my relatives, not from words, but simply, from time together.

Maybe April is a time when you start thinking about summer plans, trips, adventures, outings. Be sure some of those plans include the destination – time with beloved relatives and friends. Presence is powerfully healthy for your soul and theirs.

Pastor Dan

March 2023

March Madness

God has routine divine appointments for disciples of Jesus. First he invites everyone to spend time with him. I assure you; He has you on his calendar. Sadly, many miss their appointments. I encourage you to check in with God and see what time and dates he has listed so you can put it on your calendar. Please, sit quietly before him with your calendar. Ask, “Lord, I want to spend more time (regular time) with you. When do you think it would be a good time for me to put that into my schedule?” Thoughts will come to mind. Write them in your calendar. Keep your appointment. Some times you will have spiritual mountaintop appointments. Other times not much seems to happen. When that’s the case content yourself with this fact- you showed up, and God is delighted with the effort.

The second type of divine appointment God has for disciples involves other people. When you spend time with God, reflect on what you have received. Thank God for what you have received. This could be an encouraging word from a friend, a well cooked meal from a loved one, or an insight from God through his word, or a calm disposition in a troubling situation. This list is endless. Now, having brought to mind and thanked God for what you have received, you are in a position to share what you have received. God will arrange for your path to cross with others – via an email, a phone call, in person, a text message. In such divine appointments you will have something to share from what you’ve received – joy, encouragement, thankfulness, insight, wisdom, something material, etc.

“But how will I know when I am having a divine appointment?” some will ask, greatly concerned to ‘get it right.’ Does it really matter if you recognize in the moment that you are having a divine appointment? It does not. Isn’t it more important to just spend your life being present to those around you and available to the Lord throughout your day? It is. There will be occasions when it is plainly obvious God has given you a divine appointment with someone. Enjoy. Most of the time you will only realize you just had a divine appointment once it has come and gone. And for those interested in being available for divine appointments, many will occur and go completely unnoticed by you. But not by God. He smiles when a plan comes together.

May your March be a time of mad availability to the Lord. He has scheduled appointments for you.

Pastor Dan

February 2023


I didn’t get a chance to go to Florida this winter to see my folks. But when I do go to Florida in the winter it is a shocking experience. I leave behind the frozen tundra and step into a tropical paradise. I leave behind the color of grey for more colors than I know how to name. I leave behind the busy of deadlines and pressures and recline into rest.

If we think about church as a life giving oasis and the world around us as a bleak and thirsty dessert, the images above can be helpful contrasts as we imagine life in the church and life in the world. Jesus makes it clear – he is the fountain suppling all the life giving water and all that springs from it in the oasis. He also makes the claim that all who come to him to drink become part of the oasis – streams of living water flow from those who come to Jesus to drink (John 7:37-38).

Recently Pastor Christopher Martin came back to OSLC to officiate a funeral after leaving this place 13 years ago. It was such a privilege to encourage him while he was here. It was as if I lifted a ladle full of Jesus to his lips to drink. And though it was some bleak winter weather here in Audubon it was  phenomenal to see his world go from grey to vibrant color as he enjoyed one reunion conversation after another. It was a joy to see him getting a glimpse of paradise as he pointed us in that direction during his sermon. It brought me a sigh of contentment to see him cast his cares on Jesus and find rest for his soul.

It is my fervent prayer that 2023 be the year for OSLC to blossom as an oasis in a desert land. Why? So that this place is, for all who enter, what it was for Pr. Martin and then some. How can you be part of OSLC blossoming in this way? Start with this exercise. Read John 10:14-15. Jesus chose to die for you. Spend time sitting with and pondering this truth. Jesus died for you!


Pastor Dan

January 2023

“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” –
Jesus (Mt. 25:40)

Today I received the quarterly newsletter from Beacon of Hope Shelter in Fort Dodge. Reading through it was inspiring. I’m reminded how OSLC first became acquainted with Beacon of Hope last August when we sent and delivered much needed items for men seeking hope and healing in their lives. On the front cover is a picture of James who mans the front desk. We met him the day we delivered the supplies. In the brief cover story article, James writes about himself: “The shelter is now my home, where I can heal and become whole again. I strongly believe God made a path for me to get here. I love working at the front desk…..Being at Beacon of Hope has helped me learn a lot about my relationship with God. Now, I want to become more involved with helping and understanding others who stay with us.”

This is the pattern over and over again — when someone in need of God’s healing power and love receives it from those who know it, they first are focused on their own restoration. Then, like James, they move from focusing on their own needs to the needs of others. They want to start helping and understanding others. It’s not just the homeless who need wholeness and healing. People on the receiving end — in need of help, hope, and healing — come in all sorts of different packages. Sometimes people find themselves in need of recovery from a dysfunctional home or relationship. Other times a person is totally lost in life after a spouse dies. Sometimes people need healing from addiction. For others, divorce has left a person lost and confused. There are many youngsters not getting proper, sufficient, or healthy attention from their parents and feel great emptiness. The list goes on and on.

Where are you on this spectrum? Are you in need? Are you in process of receiving? Have you moved with James from a focus on your own needs to a place of being involved with helping and understanding the needs of others?

I hope many of you are receiving hope, help, and healing from the power of God’s love and are now ready to move from receiving to giving. I also hope in 2023 that OSLC will become focused on hearing and heading God’s call to help and understand others in need of practical demonstration of God’s love. I’m inspired by the difference Beacon of Hope Shelter makes in the lives they touch. May God bless OSLC with practical ministry ideas and efforts of our own.


Pastor Dan

December 2022


As we enter the season of Advent we continue to prepare for our soon coming Messiah – our Saviour from the evils of this world – our King to reign and rule with power, wisdom, justice, love, beauty, and perfection – our Redeemer to deliver unto us glorified, resurrected bodies with which we will experience glorified, perfected and resumed relationships with other believers in a renewed, purified, restored creation that fits in perfect union with heaven and The Lord and all the angelic creatures. Wow! This is the hope of Advent!

We are thrilled for the remembrance and observance of our Lord and Master’s advent (coming) into this world through the highly favored Mary. Our faith-confidence is boosted as we reflect on the fulfilling of his promises to come into this world to establish and initiate His Kingdom here on earth. Strengthened then is our resolve to cling to his promises of finishing what was started by the means of his second (coming) advent. Meanwhile, we learn more and more how to access and live in, with and under His Kingdom, His Dominion.

One of King Jesus’ often repeated commands to his disciples (past and present) is, “follow me.” Obedience to this command, “follow me,” requires two things. 1) belief that he is actually leading me down a path. 2) A Holy Spirit enlightenment. Namely, within Jesus command to follow him is the reality that he has first followed us. He has come into this world to follow the path all humans take – a path that goes from birth to death, that travels down the trail of trials and temptations, of joys and heartache, of gains and losses. Jesus followed the human path with perfection. And now he calls you to follow him. The destiny of his path was to clear out all the obstacles present to us, so that we can follow the path he leads us down. All obstacles – the sins others commit against us, our own tendency towards rebellious sinfulness, these he not only clears away, but he collects them and carries them along on his own path to the cross just outside the walls of Jerusalem. He buries those obstacles so deep; they will never be able to keep us from following him on a path through this life and all the way to heaven and all that comes after in the age of resurrection. The cross and tomb was not the end of his earthly path. There was then his resurrection and then more instruction to his disciples, then his ascension into heaven and then his sending from there the Holy Spirit.

May this Holy Spirit empower you to believe Jesus is indeed leading you down a path and calling you to follow. May this Holy Spirit enlighten your path. And may this Holy Spirit fill your heart, and home and Christmas observances.


Pastor Dan

November 2022


I’d like to use this space, this month, to share a ministry update, by means of a story.

Pastor Doug Opp initiated a chaplaincy ministry within the Audubon Fire Department. The Lord has continued to bless this ministry with expanding fruitfulness. What follows is a story I hope blesses your soul, “so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God (2 Corinthians 4:15).”

On the morning of September 28th the call rang out for a house on Walnut street engulfed in fire. We members on the fire department responded quickly. It took several hours to get the blaze completely put down. Meanwhile some elderly neighbors were feeling guilty, thinking they themselves did not respond and call in quickly enough to prevent such devastation. As things were coming under control and members were taking a recovery break, a few stopped over to encourage those concerned neighbors. The fire chief did the same as well. Since they were still quite upset he explained to this couple how the department had a chaplain on the team who was also a regular member of the department, presently on the back of the house helping put down the fire, but he would soon send to them the department’s chaplain.

Later, as I was inside the home, helping with some of the final checks for hot spots, the Chief gave me a heads-up. With an impish, shoulder shrugging chuckle he said, “I kind of put you on the spot. As I was encouraging those neighbors I told them how at the end of a major event like this, you bring all the members together to pray, and I told them I’d ask you to include them in the prayers. And, that I’d send you over to say hello and encourage them.” It was a great joy to visit and encourage these wonderful and helpful neighbors. It was equally joyful to hear our fire Chief express great confidence in God’s power and grace to bring comfort to distressed individuals.

Fast forward: the house is a blackened mess but no longer smoldering, the hoses and tools have been picked up and stowed away, and the onlooking neighbors, including that elderly couple witnessed an encouraging sight that must have caused “thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.” Here is what they saw: In the middle of the street in front of the burned home (and for the whole neighborhood to see) the members of the Audubon Fire Department heeded the call of the chaplain, encircled him, bowed their heads, and gave a hearty AMEN at the conclusion of their kneeling, arms raised, praying chaplain.

I share this story “for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:15)

Thank you for all your support and encouragement and partnership in God’s grace as it reaches more and more people.

Pastor Dan

September 2022


Almighty Father, our glorious creator!!

Your wonders of creation bless us with joy and fill us with thanksgiving.

Thank you for lakes and ponds, streams, creeks and rivers. Thank you for creatures of the water; snakes, turtles, fish, otters, birds and many more besides. Thank you for boats and rafts and swimming places. Praise you Father for sending your son, King of all creation, our Lord and Savior Jesus. He knows of lakes and boats and rivers and of baptisms and fishing for men and for fish. Thank you Lord for roads and travel, for going and exploring new places. Thank you Lord for relatives and friends who visit and are visited. Thank you for coming into your creation and exploring it on roads and through travel, for showing us how to meet new people and make friends on our travels.

Thank you Father, for vegetables and flowers, for prairie plants and for animals and crops that grow. Thank you for the joy of sharing in your work of creation, tending to growing things. Thank you for weeds and the lessons they teach us about diligence and rooting out what doesn’t belong. Thank you for how they give us reason to work hard at making things beautiful. Thank you for long days and warm evenings and walks and sunsets. Thank you for the joy of summer and all it’s wonder and beauty, fun, frivolity and good work. Thank you for giving us such a beautiful creation to enjoy and tend to and to work at making orderly and beautiful. You are a great, glorious and good God. The wonders of creation proclaim your praise. Amen.

Peace to you,

Pastor Dan

August 2022


“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” – Jesus (Luke 12:15)

We see two notable items at the end of this account. 1. large numbers of people were coming (presumably from Jerusalem) to see the man who was dead but was now alive again – Lazarus, and to see the one who brought him back from the tomb – Jesus. 2. the plot to murder Jesus now included offing Lazarus as well.

Now, Jesus warns us to be on guard, to be on the lookout for the temptation of greed, for temptations of any kind. Perhaps, if we imagine a story within the story, we can see how easy it is for temptations to sneak their way past our defenses. The Setting: There are many people already going over to Bethany to snoop around the miracle worker and his latest miracle product. The Chief Priests recognize an opportunity to send a spy. Imagine you are recruited by an assistant to the chief priests to spy on Jesus of Nazareth. They are looking for a way, a time when the crowds are not around, to capture Jesus. You will bring them information to help in this project.

The wall around Martha, Mary and Lazarus’ house is low. The shuttered doors and windows open wide, allowing for air flow. Standing along that wall among numerous others it is easy to both see and hear much of what is going on in the great room especially as it opens to a grand mosaicked patio where guests move with ease in and out of the house proper. This is your story:

I am curious for my own sake as I stand here spying on Jesus. I feel cheap. Because I am. I took this offer from the chief priest’s assistant for two reasons – I was curious about this Lazarus and I needed the money. It’s that simple – and I sense I’m lying to myself. At first there is not much to see. There is nothing remarkable about Lazarus – except for his finances. This is quite a house, quite a party, AND some very potent and expensive perfume that lady just poured onto Jesus’ feet. The fragrance makes it all the way here to the street. I hear Jesus give that protesting man a sharp, stern rebuke. I hear Jesus expound. His comments about his burial sound fatalistic. My task masters will certainly be interested in learning that Jesus is fully aware of their plots to end his life. They’ll be greatly encouraged to learn Jesus seems fully aware that the net is closing in on him and his days are numbered. Maybe a bonus in it for me for that little tidbit. I see the weak link making a show of protesting the waste. That is some EXPENSIVE perfume. The whole bottle, wow! I’ll suggest hiring me for another task – recruiting the greedy one. Even I could tell his words were pretense. He is not a convincing actor. He was obviously more interested in the money than the poor. Maybe it just takes one to know one. Anyway, I am keenly aware of his embarrassment from that sharp rebuke, “LEAVE HER ALONE, you’ll always have the poor.” Much less money for the poor now, huh, Judas? And much less for you also, huh, Judas? This will be easy. I know how to leverage that embarrassment. The chief priests will gladly offer money to one who will put Jesus in their hands. I’ll suggest to the greedy one, Judas, he make a show of contributing to the poor – from funds supplied by an “anonymous” donor. I’ll suggest there is nothing wrong with using some of the funds for himself. In fact, the “anonymous” donor would have it this way if only he will lead the chief priests to a time and place to capture Jesus. They just want to question him, I’ll say. If it gets too unpleasant, I’m sure your master could use his supernatural power and just walk right out from the midst of them, I’ll say. It’s a win, win, win, Judas, I’ll say. A little for you, a little for the poor, a little for the spy. And the icing on the cake, Judas, you will look like a good guy following up your comments about the poor with some REAL action, I’ll say. Oh, he’ll go for it alright, and so will my handlers. Everybody wins.

I hope you can see from this little exercise how powerfully sneaky and twisted and simple it is for temptations to come our way and exploit our weaknesses. PRAYER – Lord Jesus, please protect me. Help me know where my vulnerability lies and help me guard against temptation from that area. Help me to “watch out!” and, “be on [my] guard.” AMEN

Pastor Dan

July 2022

Off to the races: Summertime in Western Iowa

Figure 8 races are part of the Audubon culture. The races are new to me, and lots of fun! Local racers have their loyal fan base. Like Sunday morning the fans seem to always sit in their favorite “pew.” I go to the races as a new fan and a student of the culture. I think about the drivers in the race. They all want to win. I can’t imagine racing one of those cars without an in-the-gut-passion for winning. A racer’s goal may be to come in first, or to improve during the season, gaining experience to win next year, or “don’t come in last this time”. The precise goal of each racer doesn’t matter. The general goal, the drive to drive faster, and better, and to win, is all the same.

When God speaks to us in and through the Bible, He uses everyday things we experience to teach us spiritual truth and spiritual realities and spiritual goals. In the following example I replaced the ancient Greek Games culture (foot races) with Audubon culture (Figure 8 races). 1 Corinthians 9:24, “Do you not know that in a race all the [drivers drive] but only one gets the [trophy]? [Drive] in such a way as to get the [trophy].” At a recent race, I was talking to a fellow spectator who is a former Figure 8 race car driver. He was going on and on about that singular focus a driver has. Everything disappears except for the racetrack and that passion, that drive, that goal to stand next to the car in trophy lane, holding up the trophy and getting a picture taken. His passion for the thrill of the race and the striving for victory was infectious.

Imagine standing in Heaven’s trophy lane at the conclusion of your life’s racecourse. Picture yourself there for the photo op with Jesus at your side holding your hand high in the air – a victory salute. “Well done good and faithful servant,” Jesus yells to be heard over the cheers of angels and saints. With this image in mind, competitively and aggressively about your participation in God’s Kingdom. He wants to ignite in you a burning passion for making disciples, for making a difference, for victory and accomplishments in his name. “[Drive] in such a way as to get the [trophy],” means: Chase after knowing Jesus. Chase after learning to obey his commands. Chase after making spiritual progress. Chase after a growing experience of God in your daily life. Chase after living in the way of Jesus on purpose, effectively and productively. Chase after accomplishments in his name, making a difference in the lives of others. Chase after making disciples.

Do you have a friend or relative out ahead of you doing life in the ways above? Chase after that one as if you were in a race, observing technique, following the line, and when it looks like you are gaining, try to pass, try to excel. In this way, “spur one another on to love and good works” Hebrews 10:24. I have not seen participation awards at the Figure 8 races. So, when it comes to following Jesus, don’t be content with a mere participation award. Drive, race, believe, serve, follow in such a way as to get the trophy!


Pastor Dan

June 2022


“He wanted to see who Jesus was….but could not, because of the crowd.” – Luke 19:3

You might recognize this quote above. It describes a man named Zacchaeus. He had sold out his own people. He had pursued money at the expense of his neighbors. He excelled in extortion, collecting taxes for the Romans from his own Jewish people. By the time we meet him in Luke’s Gospel, he has been promoted to chief tax collector.

What would it have been like to be part of that crowd, watching the scene unfold? Zacchaeus wants to see who Jesus is, but he is short. He can’t see over our heads. None of us have any interest in letting him near the front so he can see. We are unconcerned with Zacchaeus in all ways. He knows he is unwanted, and it is perfectly fine with us he knows it. Yet, looking back on it now, I wonder what it was like for him. Have you experienced being unwanted? Certainly, there is no shortage of unwanted people in this world. I wonder, in what ways do I contribute to others feeling unwanted, unimportant?

The crowd is surprised that Jesus wants to spend time with Zacchaeus. He is surprised. You and I would have been no different. What? – Jesus, a guest of that guy – the man running the extortionist, protection racket for the Mafia? But if Jesus had picked any random on-looker from the crowd wouldn’t we have been equally surprised? It is a huge crowd after all. Why him? Why her? For that matter, Why not me? But that begs an important and revealing question. Would I have been surprised if Jesus singled me out and invited himself to my home? Here is the point: If I am surprised to be wanted by Jesus, and if Zacchaeus is surprised to be wanted by Jesus, then there isn’t any reason to distance myself from Zacchaeus – in attitude or action.

It is fascinating and humbling for any of us to be wanted by Jesus. May the Holy Spirit of Jesus dwell in us deeply so that those who are unwanted find themselves surprisingly wanted – by you, by me, by Jesus.

Peace – Pastor Dan

May 2022


Why is change so difficult? I can think of a few reasons. I am sure many of you reading this have great answers to that question. If several of us put our heads together we could probably come up with a comprehensive list. I won’t pretend to have mastered psychology and list a bunch of reasons people find change so difficult. In fact, I’m not generally concerned about the reasons. It is enough to know that change is difficult for most people, some more, some less. This fact is cause for compassion and patience.

By the words, “compassion and patience,” I do not mean avoiding change, or insulating from change. I do mean intentional effort to help others and ourselves process change. One way we can help one another process change is by remembering this: change, in and of itself is not a bad thing. It can be good, and change is promised and even commanded in the Bible.

God tells us in the Bible- when Jesus returns to establish the fullness of his kingdom, things are going to change. Wrongs will be made right. Creation will be liberated from the present corruption and “we will be changed – in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed (1 Corinthians 15:52).”

Jesus speaks with all authority on earth and in heaven when he says, “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children you will never enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 18:3).” God changes hearts of stone into hearts of flesh. God changes prideful people into humble people. God changes self-centered people into caring and generous people. As swiftly as Jesus changed water into wine he changes hopeless into hopeful, faithless into faith-filled. God even uses change to change us. If you ask him to show the way(s) you need to change and become like a little child, he will show you. He will also work those changes in you, for your good, because he loves you and delights in you.

Peace, Pastor Dan.